CBRL Andrea Zerbini Awards 2023-24

CBRL is delighted to announce the call for applications for CBRL Andrea Zerbini Awards:

  • Applications are invited for: grants of up to £4,000 from registered doctoral students (up to a maximum of 12 years since the completion of their Master’s degree) at EU and UK Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) to travel to the countries of the Levant. Two awards are available in 2023/24.
  • For research on: Ancient History; Landscape Archaeology; New Technologies/GIS Applications in Archaeology; Aerial Archaeology; Migration and Migrant Identities in the Near East from Antiquity to the Middle Ages; Protecting the Past
  • Scheme opens: 25 September 2023
  • Deadline (applications and references): 31 October 2023 – 5 pm UK time
  • Maximum duration of award: Funds must be expended and a report submitted by 30 September 2024

Contact details: [email protected], or the CBRL Director.

Downloadable documents:

Applications must be made using the CBRL Andrea Zerbini Application Form and references must be submitted on the CBRL Andrea Zerbini Reference Form by Tuesday 31 October at 5.00 pm UK time to: [email protected]

All successful grant recipients must sign CBRL’s grant Terms and Conditions and comply with the CBRL Research Manual before commencing their research, including submitting an ethical declaration form and completing the risk assessment template approved by their university or research organisation.

About Andrea Zerbini 

Andrea Zerbini (1984-2019) was a Roman historian, archaeologist, IT expert, and linguist. Originating from Florence, he had a passion for knowledge and travel which took him to the UK for his Master’s and PhD, and the Levant for his research. In 2018 he was appointed Assistant Director of CBRL’s Institute in Amman and had previously been a CBRL Fellow in Amman (2013/2014). From 2015 to 2018 he worked for the Endangered Archaeology of the Middle East and North Africa (EAMENA) project at Oxford University, first as a researcher analysing satellite imagery and subsequently as database manager. Andrea was thrilled to be back in Jordan and to live again in the region he loved, but tragically was diagnosed with cancer in late 2018 and passed away in July 2019. 

About the Andrea Zerbini Foundation 

Before his passing, Andrea started setting up a travel fund to provide annual scholarships for European graduates to travel to the Middle East to better know the culture and people of the region that he loved. His wish has been continued by his family and friends in Italy. The Andrea Zerbini Foundation was formally established in 2020 to promote areas reflecting Andrea’s interests: Ancient History; Landscape Archaeology; New Technologies/GIS Applications in Archaeology; Aerial Archaeology; Migration and Migrant Identities in the Near East from Antiquity to the Middle Ages; Protecting the Past.  

About CBRL’s partnership with the Andrea Zerbini Foundation 

To honour Andrea’s memory and fulfil his wish to share his passion and knowledge of Jordan and the Levant region with others, CBRL is delighted to partner with the Andrea Zerbini Foundation in offering travel grants to European and UK doctoral students.  CBRL is grateful to the Foundation for modifying Andrea’s original wish and offer the grants to doctoral candidates specifically, CBRL having identified a need in this group reflecting the challenges of the current funding landscape.

The idea of career change was very important to Andrea’s original vision, reflecting his personal life experience, so applicants who can demonstrate how their interest in the Levantine Middle East is causing them to change career, and how the award will help them change research or career direction, will be viewed favourably. To begin the partnership, two awards of up to £4,000 each will be made available in 2023/24. 

The photograph is an olive-crushing installation in northern Jordan and relates to Andrea’s project on “Productive Landscapes”. For more details: see here.