Visit to HRH Prince El Hassan to celebrate the inauguration of CBRL Amman’s new premises in Jabal Al-Lweibdeh 

HRH Prince El Hassan Bin Talal and distinguished guests mark the inauguration of CBRL’s new premises in Amman

To celebrate the inauguration of the Council for British Research in the Levant’s new premises in Jabal Al- Lweibdeh, a special delegation visited HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal at Majlis El Hassan on Monday 27 June 2022, led by His Excellency, Mr Nayef Al-Fayez, Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, and Dr Carol Palmer, Director of CBRL, in the company of members of the Board of Trustees of CBRL and a number of distinguished guests .

After welcoming the guests, HRH Prince El Hassan spoke about the importance of raising standards of scientific research, given the potential it carries for offering practical solutions to current issues in the Levant, such as water scarcity and the impact of climate change. He also touched on the intellectual and philosophical dimensions of research, and the importance of searching for common ground rather than adopting competitive mindsets. In turn, Dr Palmer stressed CBRL’s mission to improve public awareness and understanding of the Levant, summarised in the phrase “Learning from the Levant”. 

CBRL’s Amman Institute was founded in the 1970s to conduct research and provide support and services to researchers and scholars in the fields of the social sciences and humanities and related fields, with a focus on archaeology and heritage. CBRL is registered as an international organisation in Jordan and works in conjunction with local and international organisations. 

Moving CBRL’s Amman Institute to Jabal Al-Lweibdeh will increase and diversify the number of people who can benefit from CBRL’s activities, such as lectures, workshops, and research projects. It will also provide greater opportunities for researchers, scholars, and students to communicate and share knowledge and experience, and to benefit from its facilities and library as an intellectual space that promotes freedom of thought and academic excellence. Furthermore, it is hoped that the new location will benefit from and enrich cultural and intellectual life concentrated in Jabal Al-Lweibdeh, and Amman in general. 

Appointments can be made to visit the new institute premises and library by writing to: [email protected].