CBRL Master’s Dissertation Prizes in Levantine Studies 2024 – Nominations Open

We are delighted to announce the Master’s Dissertation Prizes in the field of Levantine studies for the academic year 2024:

  • Levantine archaeology or history: the CBRL prize for a final-year master’s dissertation, or major research paper
  • Contemporary Levantine studies: the CBRL prize for a final-year master’s dissertation, or major research paper.

We invite UK based heads of departments or chairs of departmental examination boards to nominate one final year dissertation in one of the above subject areas. Where a department covers both the ancient and contemporary Levant, one nomination for each prize may be entered.

The dissertation should be the best in the subject area (with a distinction quality), should focus on a topic relating to Levantine studies whether ancient or modern, should make an original contribution to research debates, and be of excellent quality.

Nominations will be entered into a national competition for the 2024 CBRL master’s dissertation prizes.

Prize: £100, plus one-year membership of CBRL, online subscription to one of CBRL’s journals and acknowledgement on the CBRL website, newsletter and social media.

Nomination procedure and timeline for the Prize

December 2024: nominations should be made by departmental academic staff at master’s exam boards. Examiners/supervisors should make a case for the nomination (on the nomination form); the student should be informed that their dissertation has been nominated for the prize; student contact details should be given on the form.

Friday 28 February 2025: deadline for department to send electronic PDF of nominated dissertation together with completed nomination form to info[at]cbrl.ac.uk.

Wednesday 30 April 2025: students and departments informed of successful outcomes.

Nomination Form 2024